Calculate Net Promoter Score in Python

Calculate Net Promoter Score in Python The Net Promoter Score is obtained by asking your customers to rate, 0-10, how likely they would recommend your company or product to a friend or colleague. It’s pretty trivial to calculate (one reason why it’s so popular). Here’s my python implementation.

UX Designer/Developer Core Competencies

I’ve struggled to communicate exactly what a User Experience Designer does.  User Experience is a relatively new field.  It borrows a lot of techniques from various long-established disciplines, but I don’t think there is any strong consensus on what a User Experience professional does, how they interact with other established parts of an organization and…

Memeing in PHP

From Eric Florenzano… Rules: Implement a program that takes in a user’s name and their age, and prints hello to them once for every year that they have been alive. Post these rules, the source code for your solution, and the following list (with you included) on your blog. Bonus points if you implement it…

Coda, TextMate, and BBEdit…Oh My!

[UPDATE: I’ve decided to go with TextMate] I’m looking for a new Mac text editor, which will be primarily used for web coding (HTML, Python, PHP if they make me).  I want an editor that simple when I need it to be simple, helps me complete routine/repetitive tasks more efficiently, and lets me script/customize when…